Bridging Associates Logo Revision
Posted by Gary Harding on Sep 21, 2012 in Blog, Graphic Design, Logos, Portfolio | Comments Off on Bridging Associates Logo Revision

An explanation of my concept for the new design:
I did not think the previous logo was as strong as it could be. The all caps word BRIDGING felt stiff to me and the word Associates, aloof and distanced from the word Bridging and literally leaning away from it; those two words were not being bridged. The typeface and color of the lettering in the new logo is clean and professional without being overpowering. The pipe character subtly suggests a wall between the words bridging and associates begging to be bridged. The lower case letters feel more accessible than all caps, yet clean and efficient. I like the contrast between bold and unbold, suggesting two different groups. I suggested the tagline to readily explain what Bridging Associates does, and happily they used it. I used some stock vector art for the section with the four arrows and people. The original, though, was a rainbow of colors and drew too much attention. We colored this graphic to enhance the lettering rather than dominate and distract from it.