Illustration & Infographics

Conceptual graphic illustrations can convey a Concept of Operations (CONOPS), a process or a complex procedure or theory. They demonstrate value to a potential customer in a way that words or photos cannot. They show how a proposed technical solution will be solved. I believe if you can’t draw, illustrate or diagram a problem or a solution, you don’t really understand it yet (see: Dan Roam’s book “The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas With Pictures”). CONOPS images can overlay multiple concepts to increase ready comprehension of Win Themes and Ghosting in competitive bid proposals. They can demonstrate how the product will be used in the closest approximation of the military scenario the proposed product or solution will be used in. These illustrations are used both prior to a proposed product or system being built, or after. It is best to use as much of the actual equipment in conceptual illustrations as possible so it doesn’t look like you’re proposing “vaporware.” I use 3D programs and import 3D assets (3D models, CAD or SolidWorks files) to get the most realistic illustration possible. When possible, I try to use the actual terrain from the geographic location using Google Earth of where the proposed technical solution will be deployed. This creates a sense of reality that can help sell the solution to a potential customer.