The Cogent Executive Logo and Masthead Revision Project
Posted by Gary Harding on Jul 26, 2012 in Blog, Graphic Design, Logos, Portfolio | Comments Off on The Cogent Executive Logo and Masthead Revision Project

At top is the new masthead for The Cogent Executive Website and their related branding. I have worked on two generations of logo and masthead design for The Cogent Executive. The top one is the latest, the next is the masthead that came before that, and at bottom is the original.
We explored symbolism around intuition and the all-seeing eye, and primitive symbolism depicting the sun. The client liked this freshening up of the logo she had before, at the end.
Below is the old logo and masthead, which I thought looked more like the symbol for a secret society than for an Executive Coach that taps into her client’s intuitive skills to help them succeed.